
You Are Leaders!

First published 3-1-10

Do you trust Jesus?  Do you believe Him?  I must admit that there have been times when my faith has wavered.  I have felt slight nagging questions that grew into doubt. Each time this has happened to me, it seemed as though a window opened unto me, showing me a hellish, unprotected existence. If I didnt quickly run to my Bible, I could easily spiral downward into despair. Instead, as I started to read Scripture for about 10 or 15 minutes, I would feel a calming of my spirit.  That window to hell would close again and a feeling of Warmth and love would start spreading in my soul.  Then I would just sit in God’s Presence, where there is fullness of joy! All would be well with my soul once again.   

In addition to my Bible I also have a favorite prayer book from which I pray Scriptures out loud.  This prayer book is a powerful weapon since it’s organized by prayer points.  So even…

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